So you’ve signed up to participate in the Charity Digital Benchmark?
Welcome! We now need to add your data into the Data Studio dashboard. Please follow the steps below to grant us access to your charity’s data. We recommend doing this as soon as possible, so we can start including your data in the Benchmark from the earliest possible date.
- Sign into Google Analytics: (you will need to have permission to manage users, if you do not have the right permissions you may need to contact your IT team)
- Once in your account navigate to your charity’s main reporting view. Click on the admin tab in the bottom left corner (we need to duplicate the data from your main reporting view in Analytics, so please ensure the correct property is selected from the dropdown box in the middle column before continuing onto the next step)
- Under the right hand VIEW column, your charity’s main reporting view should already be selected from the dropdown box. If it’s not, click and select the correct view. Beneath this, click “View Settings”
- Within “View Settings”, you should be able to see a “Copy view” button in the top right corner. Click “Copy view”. NB If you can’t see this, you may not have the correct permission levels in the account you’re using
- You will be prompted to name the new view. Please use the following format “[INSERT YOUR CHARITY’S NAME] – CharityComms Benchmark – DO NOT EDIT” and click “Copy view”. NB We have occasionally had charities accidentally deleting our reporting views, so this is why we ask you add DO NOT EDIT to the name – we apologise for the passive aggression!
- Once you return to the main admin tab, look under VIEW (the right hand column) and click “User Management”
- A list of users who currently have access will appear. Click on the plus sign in the top right corner and select “Add new users” from the dropdown list
- Enter the email address (this gives access to both CharityComms and our data specialists upriseUP). Then select the Administrator role, so that we have full admin rights over this view
- Click the “Add” button in the top right corner to complete your Google Analytics setup
- To let us know you have completed this process, and to provide a few more details about your charity (eg income bracket, team size), please fill in this quick form.
If you have any questions about this process, please Sarah.