‘There’s no such thing as bad publicity’ or so the saying goes.
Yet we all know there really is – if people are saying awful things about your charity, the chances are you’ll lose credibility and support will decline. And with the ongoing scrutiny of charities in the press, we need to be prepared.
At this PR Network event, with Macmillan Cancer Support, The Trussell Trust and Cancer Research UK, we explored best practice reputation management, from managing tricky enquiries and keeping stories out of the media to dealing with a full-blown crisis.
Live recordings
If you’re a CharityComms member, you can watch the presentations from the day on our Vimeo channel. You’ll find the links to each recording below with the presentations – drop Lauren an email to get the password to access them.
Articles and guides
10 step guide to writing a crisis statement
Crisis comms – how to handle hostile interviews
A quick guide on what to include in a crisis manual
Dealing with tricky enquiries and proactively managing risk – Ashley Fryer, media and PR manager at Macmillan Cancer Support
Watch the live recording of Ashley’s presentation (exclusive to CharityComms members)
Managing national and regional crises – Emma Thorogood, media manager at The Trussell Trust
Watch the live recording of Emma’s presentation (exclusive to CharityComms members)
About the PR Network
CharityComms’ PR Network is a group for professionals working in PR and media in UK charities and not-for-profits.
The PR Network gives you the chance to meet your peers, compare notes on workplace practices and share successes, ideas, challenges and inspiration. The network is designed to encourage networking and peer to peer support, sharing issues in a ‘safe’ environment.
The group meets three times a year to focus on a common challenge. The format of the meetings is one or two presentations on a specific topic, followed by small group discussions, providing a combination of best practice and peer-to-peer sharing.
If you’d like to be one of the first to hear about these events, please email The Events Team to be added to the mailing list.
If you’re interested in presenting at this event (or at a future event) or joining the steering group, please contact Vanessa Weddell.